There are 10,000 Italian women between the ages of 50 and 74 years who should have undergone a mammogram to detect and prevent breast cancer, but who have not done it.

The scope of CO.AS.IT.’s project is to publicise to as many people as possible the news that these women now have the right to receive a mammography examination free of charge, and to encourage them to do it.

“We want to reach quota zero,” general manager of CO.AS.IT., Thomas Camporeale, explained.

“We want to make sure that all 10,000 Italian women, who, according to governmental data have not undergone their mammogram, undertake it for free.

“I am convinced that we can do it.”

CO.AS.IT.’s campaign is also directed at broadcasting important information about breast cancer and dispelling false rumours about the disease.

The first of these is that only women with a history of breast cancer in the family can develop it.

The truth is that out of every ten women affected by the disease, nine do not have any familial history connected to cancer.

Another false myth concerns the radiation levels which are involved in mammography, which, according to some are very high.

This is false.

Radiation levels to which someone is exposed during a mammogram are at the same level as those to which we are exposed during an international flight.

Furthermore, no one should trust any other type of test.

The mammogram is the only exam which can identify cancer even before it is perceptible or visible.

“This is an initiative which was launched by the government some years ago, and which we have committed to since the beginning,” Camporeale said.

“Last year, cuts to funding almost brought about the closure of the program.

“But we, convinced of the benefit of the project, decided to go ahead, financing it ourselves autonomously, because we believe that prevention can save lives.

“Thanks to the funds raised at the 2019 Italian Ball, we were able to reach the remarkable figure of $55,000 to put toward the 10,000 Italian Roses Project.

“It is likely that we will be able to collect even more, thanks to some friends who have decided to accompany us in this adventure and support the project, such as the managing director of Il Globo and La Fiamma, Julius Larobina, and other representatives from the community who have already committed to supporting the initiative with fundraising or donations.”

Connecting with the entire Italian community is not an easy task.

To this end, CO.AS.IT. has decided to develop a detailed informative campaign that avails itself of the support of the religious community, doctors, associations and testimonials.

“We must reach an audience which also includes women who are over 70 years old,” Camporeale said.

“It’s therefore necessary to utilise diverse information canals.

“Family members can also play an important role.

“We hope to reach out to conscientious children and grandchildren who, informed of the possibilities offered by our project, push their mother or grandmother to undergo an examination for free.

“If we work together we can put together the most beautiful bouquet of roses in the world: the 10,000 Italian roses.”

Visit the BreastScreen website to arrange a free screen, or call 13 20 50.