According to the report, President Joe Biden’s administration is planning to refer migrants in Latin America for resettlement in Greece and Italy to discourage people heading to the US-Mexico border.

“The CBS reconstruction, according to which Italy has given its consent to the relocation of South American refugees on its territory, is completely misleading,” the sources said.

“The hypothesis of a reciprocity agreement is currently being studied,” the sources clarified.

“[In theory,] the US would host refugees who are in Libya and desire to go to Europe, while some European Mediterranean States would host a few dozen South American refugees.

“As far as our country is concerned, it would be a question of around 20 Venezuelan refugees of Italian origin, so they can start working in Italy.

“At the moment, discussions are only at the study phase, and, in any case, it would be very advantageous for Italy and [other] European states of first entry.”