Directed by Russian-born Australian Alena Lodkina, Strange Colours tells the story of Milena (Kate Cheel) who travels to remote opal mining town, Lightning Ridge to visit her sick and estranged father. 

Milena finds a community of misfits and lost souls as she attempts to mend the fractured bond with her father (Daniel P. Jones).

This mesmerising film was made possible as Lodkina won funding from the Venice Biennale College Cinema scheme.

The win provided  €150,000 (total budget) and a premiere screening at the 2017 Venice Biennale.

It has been a highlight at many film festivals around Australia and the world since.

For Film’s Sake (FFS & formerly WOW Film Festival) is Australia’s flagship female film festival and only AACTA accredited festival dedicated exclusively to works by female filmmakers, which has now transitioned to film distribution.

“I jumped at the chance to acquire Strange Colours as an example of striking entrepreneurialism and artistic endeavour,” FFS director, Sophie Mathisen said.

“Distribution is an overlooked but crucial puzzle piece in changing statistics of female participation in the screen industries.

“Films like Strange Colours require creative approaches to releasing in order to give distinct talents like Alena the chance to continue her filmmaking domestically and abroad.”

Lodkina said that the company is helping women find distribution for their work beyond simply film festivals.

“Whilst the audience for independent cinema may be changing, it still means so much for smaller films to make it on to the silver screen, especially films by female filmmakers,” she added.

“Our distributors understand this and bring great passion and innovation to the strategy of building support for our films.”

A launch event will be held on November 17, as part of Melbourne Music Week at ACMI with a dreamlike live score by Mikey Young (Total Control) and friends.

For Film’s Sake is battling the wave of streaming-only films, by supporting young filmmakers to get their work on the big screens.

Even better, they are helping to change the face of the film industry, which is characterised by underrepresentation of women, particularly in the role of film director.

Of the top 250 films from any country at the Australian box office in 2014, only 8 per cent were directed by women, a press release by Screen Australia revealed.

Overall, 37 Australian feature films and documentaries were released in cinemas in 2014, and only 16 per cent were directed by women.

If you would like to see this beautiful Australian film and support women in cinema be sure to grab a ticket.