Tourism Minister Daniela Santanché and Equal Opportunities and Family Minister Eugenia Roccella on Wednesday signed an agreement with associations representing the hotel industry to provide free hotel accommodation to women survivors of violence and their children for up to a week after shelter care.

The initiative is part of the project 'Qui non sei sola' (Here you are not alone).

"Violence against women is getting worse every day, and the abuse often takes place within the family," Santanché said.

"The idea is to host these women in hotels after the recovery process to give them a moment of relaxation and help get them return to normal life.

Roccella said the government is acutely aware that much more needs to be done by those in power.

"The government is united in the common desire to address this problem," she said.

Roughly 1000 hotels in Italy have already signed up to the project, providing stays to women and their children of between three and seven days.