The students were accompanied by their teachers, Mrs Adelia Bernard and Mr Paul Buttigieg.

Directed by the Marianist brothers, St Paul’s College is a pioneer for the latest teaching methods.

The school’s director, Reverend Daniel Winters, said this is the first year Italian has been taught and with great success.

Pictured above are the school’s Italian students, during their excursion to Il Globo:

Robert Baracilli; Giorgio Boscolo; Nicola Di Sabato; Carlo Ellul; Riano Gargiulo; Riccardo Grani; Franco La Pira; Sergio Lunardi; Charles Mastrogiovanni; Victor Nicoli; Vincent Pino; John Rawlings; Grant Anderson; Luigi Ballan; Stephen Di Marco; Mario Fiorentino; Peter Gago; Agostino Guardiano; Paul McNamara; Ferruccio Martinuzzo; Harry Meilak; Sammy Missale; Andrea Portelli; Brian Smith; Joseph Acciarito; Antonio Antonello; Carlo Cini; Noel Cross; Raymond Cutajar; James Georgeson; John Hewitt; Garry Johnsey; Milton Licciardo; Roberto Masutti; Peter Mocellin; William O’Brien; Gerard Piovesan; Anthony Sagona; Alfredo Stipevich; Paul Alsopp; Nicholas Aquilina; Daniel De Angelini; Paul Di Gregorio; John Fabbian; Albino Ferlazzo; Reno Di Gioacchino; John Hart; Brian Keirl; Russell Meaney; Anthony Radovanovich; Peter Socolic; Lyell Strambi; Mario Bertone; Brendan Burnett; Anthony Crouch; Cristopher Doyle; Peter Formosa; Stephen Gilligan; Shane Grist; Simon Hogan; Michael Hyland; Darius Jachnevicius; Robert Kovanovic; Richard Lipiarski; Sean McCallig; Brian McMahon; Adrian Martin; Patrick Miller; Graham Moloney; Noel Murphy; Paul Osborne; Gregory Pidoto; John Pidito; Stephen Reed; Peter Robinson; Andrew Salama; Philip Sherri; Stephen Tyle; and Stephen Waghorne. (Photo: Marzella)