The legal proceedings, which began in 2016, concerned State procurement company CONSIP.

Charges were also dropped against businessmen Alfredo Romeo and Carlo Russo, former MP Italo Bocchino, former Tuscany carabinieri police chief Emanuele Saltalamacchia, former president of Pubbliacqua Firenze Filippo Vannoni and Stefano Pandimiglio.

Instead, the judges sentenced former Major Gian Paolo Scafarto to one year and six months in prison and Carabinieri Colonel Alessandro Sessa to three months, ordering both of them to also pay 50,000 euros to the defence ministry.

The defendants had been indicted on various charges including revelation of confidential information, aiding and abetting, influence peddling, extortion of credit, attempted extortion and forgery.

On December 22, prosecutor Mario Palazzi had requested eight convictions and two acquittals.

“Do you remember the Consip case?” asked Matteo Renzi on social media.

“After seven years of media massacre the verdict has arrived.

“And do you know how it ended? All my friends have been acquitted.

“All of them! And do you know who was sentenced? Those public officials who plotted against us by using falsehood in order to attack us,” he continued.

“Among the acquitted is a man called Tiziano Renzi, my father.

“I love you, Dad,” said Renzi.

“It has been a difficult seven and a half years that I would not wish on anyone,” said Lotti after the acquittal.

“To see yourself slammed as an innocent man on the front pages with accusations even from those who should be your ‘desk mates’,” he continued.

“In any event, it went well, I’m moving forward with my head held high. I am happy,” he concluded.