
If you have a complaint about something published in Il Globo or La Fiamma, or alternatively on their respective websites, please review our complaint handling policy below and to submit a complaint, complete the form below.

Complaints handling policy

What can be complained about?

Complaints may relate to news reports, articles, editorials, letters, cartoons, images and other published material.

Time limits

Complaints normally should be made within thirty days of the first publication of the relevant material. Where appropriate, a complaint can be made with a request that we delay consideration of it until a specified event (e.g. recovery from serious illness).

Our process

Your complaint will be reviewed by our Managing Editor, or an executive of equivalent status. 

We will reply to your complaint within three business days with either a response to your complaint, or an update in relation to the review process and the time it will take to complete our investigation.  We may need to get in contact with you to obtain further information to properly investigate your complaint. 

Your complaint will be reviewed and assessed against our editorial polices.

Where appropriate, we may offer to publish a correction in the next available publication.

Should you find that the outcome in relation to your complaint is unsatisfactory then, we invite you to submit the complaint to the Australian Press Council. Whilst our organisation is not a member, The Press Council will review complaints of non-members. 


Complaint submission


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