An Introduction to the Bernini’s Bronzes Project

Event by Editorial Team

Presented by the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation with the generous support of the University of Melbourne – University of Toronto Joint Research Program: The Technical Study of Bernini's Bronzes: Art History, Conservation, Material Science In this introduction to the first international study of ‘Bernini’s Bronzes’, the projects key members, an art historian and two conservators, discuss the genesis of the project, its foundational ideas, and the questions the project will attempt to answer through a combination of art historical and archival research, technical study, material science, and data tools. Evonne Levy is Distinguished Professor of Early Modern Art at the University of Toronto. Lisa Ellis is Conservator of Sculpture and Decorative Arts at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Toronto. Jane Bassett is Head and Conservator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

Date July 25, 2022 - July 25, 2022
Time 6:00pm - 8:00pm
The University of Melbourne, Fritz Loewe Theatre, Level 2, McCoy (Earth Sciences) Building 253-283 Elgin Street
Carlton VIC