BWA: Walk and Talk in The Domain

Event by Editorial Team

Join Business Women Australia (BWA) members and guests as they 'Netwalk' around the Domain. Meet premium member Martina Saldi, an Italian expat living in Sydney. Martina currently works as Security, Compliance, Data and Risk Management Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft ANZ. She was already working for Microsoft back in Italy when she left Milan to explore the World with her husband and fulfill her life dream to live in different Countries. Her journey brought her in Singapore, India, and Japan where she lived for about 4 years and where she got married and had a beautiful baby. In Tokyo, Martina organized large events for the Italian Chamber of Commerce and developed go-to- market strategies for Chamber’s members and Government Institutions across the Country. “Being an expat mum can be tough sometimes, but It totally revolutionized the way I approach life, the challenges and the risks that come with it.”

Date August 17, 2022 - August 17, 2022
Time 7:15am - 8:15am
Sydney Eye Hospital 8 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW