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‘Da Vinci’s Apprentice’ by Musica Viva In Schools (Kids Show)

Event by Editorial Team

Roberta, a talented girl living in 16th century Italy, dreams of becoming an apprentice to the greatest inventor of all, Leonardo da Vinci. Along the way, she meets a trio of musicians equipped with the weird and wonderful instruments of their time. With jazz-infused music by Australian composer Sally Greenaway and script by writers Catherine Prosser and Paul Bissett, ‘Da Vinci’s Apprentice’ encourages children to hear the music in the world around them, and inspires them to make their dreams a reality. ‘Da Vinci’s Apprentice’ is a Musica Viva In Schools ensemble.

Date February 27, 2020 - February 27, 2020
Time 6:30pm - 8:30pm
(02) 9564 0744
Italian Forum Cultural Centre 10/23 Norton Street
New South Wales