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History and Significance of Tarantism

Event by Editorial Team

Conference and live performance by Dr Massimiliano Morabito (ITA). In this little journey in Pugliese tarantism, musician and researcher, Massimiliano Morabito will analyse some of the main interpretations of the phenomenon: from Kircher to Serao, from De Martino to Rouget and Lapassade, with rare and unpublished videos, some from his personal research in the field. In this conference he will also play music that he has being recording in Puglia in his field research during the years. “It is amazing how written testimonies of the past centuries are still present in the “living archives” that I have directly interviewed and unveil ancient knowledge.” FREE ENTRY. RSVP required.

Date March 13, 2019 - March 13, 2019
Time 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Co.As.It. Museo Italiano 199 Faraday Street