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Legacies of Italian Design: Talk with Flavia Marcello and Meet the Artists Panel Discussion

Event by Editorial Team

In this talk Associate Professor Flavia Marcello will give a brief history of Italian design starting with its ‘birth’ at the Milan Triennale, illustrating how it reinvented itself in the post World War II economic boom and how it has left a legacy today on both the world of design and in our everyday lives. The talk will be followed by a facilitated ‘Meet the Artists’ panel discussion where the public will be invited to engage in an informal conversation with the artists exhibiting in Parallel Visions – Liliana Barbieri, Anna Caione, Sarina Lirosi and Wilma Tabacco – about their artistic process and their inspiration.

Date March 19, 2020 - March 19, 2020
Time 6:30pm - 8:00pm
CO.AS.IT. Museo Italiano 199 Faraday Street
Carlton VIC