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Terra Matta con Stefano Panzeri

Event by Editorial Team

Come and be part of this extraordinary theatre project based on Italian migration. After three editions in Argentina and Uruguay, actor Stefano Panzeri brings Terra Matta to Australia. “Oltreoceano-Australia” is a theatre project by Stefano Panzeri which aims at creating a connection with Italians who migrated and settled in Australia during the 20th century, and at exchanging a live experience with them through theatre and storytelling. Stefano will first tell the audience a story – a monologue based on the first part of Terra matta, (the extraordinary autobiography of Sicilian migrant Vincenzo Rabito, who was born in 1899). Stefano will then ask the audience to recount their own migration experience, or the stories of their ancestors. He will use some of those stories to create characters which will be included in a new show, to be performed in a second Australian edition of the project in 2019. Last year this project had its third and last edition in Argentina and Uruguay, two countries with a huge Italian communities. Show in Italian. Free entry.

Date March 13, 2018 - March 13, 2018
Time 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Co.As.It. Museo Italiano