As we helplessly watch the ever growing number of those affected by it, our hearts are filled with sadness for all the people who have been stricken with this merciless virus.

During these difficult times, our thoughts and prayers go to our friends and families, near and far, and to those in the medical profession who are courageously battling against time to save as many lives as possible.

Now more than ever, we need to protect the most vulnerable members of our community, our families and members of staff. This starts with each and every one of us: we can all help  and do our part by following the advice of health organisations, in particular in relation to hygiene, sanitation and social distancing. These practices are fundamental to slow down the contagion and allow everyone to access medical resources.

CO.AS.IT. has and will continue to abide to all directives and recommendations from the Government, and we have also introduced additional measures that can be found on our website.

CO.AS.IT. has an impeccable reputation of maintaining high standards, policies and procedures in relation to aged care and education services and as always, CO.AS.IT. is committed to continue providing quality services to our community. We look forward in all working together towards achieving the best possible results for everyone involved with our services.

We will continue to keep you, your family, our members of staff and the broader community up to date with the latest information and guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation, hard work and commitment to our organisation.

Prof. Mauro Sandrin - President of CO.AS.IT.                                                 

Marco Fedi - CEO of CO.AS.IT.