One of the most active chambers of commerce in the world, it comprises a network of more than 25,000 companies associated with the General Council for Italians Abroad (CGIE).

It possesses all of the necessary characteristics to keep small and medium-sized businesses in tune with the structural trends of the process of globalisation which is currently taking place in the market.

Essentially a bilateral association of local Italian businessmen, the ICCI has the power to communicate directly or via local or Italian-based agents, in matters regarding importers, fairs, growing industries etc.

It is also an important institution within the local business community, and acts as a link for more complex business initiatives while bringing together partners for industrial and commercial collaborations, the promotion of Italian regions, joint ventures and more.

The ICCI offers qualified assistance through a wide range of services, including: information, translations and interpreting, advice, research partners and direct marketing.

Recently there has been a remarkable increase in the number of contacts and commercial information provided by the ICCI.

Australian traders have lately turned their attention towards the most prosperous Italian markets, with which Australia maintains longstanding and successful commercial relations.

As the Australian representative office of Veronafiere, a European leader in the trade fairs sector, the ICCI already has plans to participate in coming exhibitions, to be held in Verona next February, March, April, September and November.

To face the market with an ever-increasing knowledge of their own ability to succeed, the ICCI provides reliable reference points, especially in terms of information.

Important support could come from the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce across the world.

The ICCI in Melbourne stands as a “natural” interlocutor towards the Italian Chamber system with the specific role of providing information and services within the Australian market.

For information on application procedures, services, Italian exhibitions, economic missions and the 1999 program, contact: Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Australia – Melbourne Inc., Tel. (03) 9866 5433.