Health Minister Greg Hunt praised Australians for their cooperation, highlighting the lack of recent community infections as a major win for the nation.

Hunt said that as of lunchtime today, 2.44 million Australians had downloaded COVIDSafe.

“In terms of our distancing measures, Australians continue to do an extraordinary job in what is a difficult situation,” he said.

“People have come together as a single Australian nation, as one single family and I want to thank their continued work.

“I know it is difficult, but you are saving lives and protecting lives.

“The evidence of that is that there had been 12 cases identified in the 24 hours to 6:30 am this morning. 

“That includes the fact that most significantly there was only one case from an unknown source.

“That is perhaps the most important figure I have had the privilege of raising since coming into this role and dealing with the coronavirus issue.

“It means that as a country we are not just flattening the curve but we are consolidating it, extending it and securing it.”

It comes as the Australian Federal Police are investigating allegations of a hoax targeting the new app.

The allegations concern images of an apparently fraudulent message, shared on social media, that told the recipient the COVIDSafe app had alerted the government they are more than 20 kilometres from their home, and were required to phone the government.

Hunt said anyone found to be part of a hoax would be punished.

“Any misuse of telecommunications for a hoax is illegal,” he said.

“Anybody who is found responsible will be charged with a significant criminal offence.”

For more information on the app, visit the Department of Health’s website.