Like all the most important and heart-felt celebrations, the Apulian party started with an anthem.

Actually, it started with two anthems; the Australian and Italian anthems, in a symbolic moment for guests, many of whom feel they have two homes.

More than half of the guests present were second- and third-generation Apulian-Australian.

“It is important that the youth don’t lose contact with their culture and the country of origin of their families – our future is in their hands,” Felice Montrone, vice-president of the association, said.

Montrone then handed the mic over to president, Gianni Carelli.

In his speech, Carelli outlined the history and achievements of the association over the past 40 years.

“Each of us have more or less made our fortunes in this country,” Carelli said.

“It is something which has not occurred by chance, but which is a result of an investment, not just of money but of creativity and a capacity to develop social relations outside of known contexts, and to grow while maintaining an attachment to our historical culture and traditions.

“We Italians in Sydney, and all over the world, are an integral part of the social fabric; we represent a true and pure Italy which works hard to emerge with pride and honesty.”

According to Carelli, movements and associations have played a key role in the development of the Italian communities overseas.

They represent an important part of Italian society and its culture which exists outside the borders of the country.

“You are the representatives of our culture,” Carelli explained, to the room filled with generations of people.

“You are the best ambassadors for Italy.

“Entrusted to us is the task of representing our country.

“For this we must work to ensure that our culture is not absorbed into indifference and destined to be forgotten.

“We will recuperate and stimulate the youth of the new generations.

“We will explain to them that living their double identities as Italian and Australian, is not to engage in conflict but to be culturally enriched.

“We must tell them to be proud of being Italian.”

The lunch was accompanied by live music and dancing, and concluded with the extraction of the annual lottery.

First prize went to Domenica Parisi, second to Jennifer Iurlo and third to Cristina Talacko.

“The proceeds will be used to support a young Apulian person with a scholarship which will allow them to return to their country of origin, to undertake a professional course,” Montrone explained.

It’s an initiative which was organised in collaboration with the Apulian Region.

The celebration lunch was a great success.

It brought to a close an extraordinarily successful year for the association, which has seen the participation of more than 1500 guests in the events held throughout 2019.