Debate should focus on “accompanying life to its natural end through a wider development of palliative care,” said the pontiff.

“People at the end of their lives need to be supported by assistants who are faithful to their vocation, which is to provide aid and relief, even though they cannot provide treatment.”

Earlier this year, the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life drafted a lexicon on end-of-life care.

In the new booklet, called Small lexicon on end of life, the Pontifical Academy for Life reiterated its opposition to euthanasia and therapeutic obstinacy.

However, they indicated that there is “space to search for a mediation in legislation” in Italy on end-of-life care and assisted suicide.

The booklet says that “artificial nutrition and hydration” as medical treatments should be evaluated “case by case”.

Overall, the document reiterated a stark rejection of euthanasia, as well as of therapeutic obstinacy.