On Friday the US fired 59 cruise missiles at an air base in Syria following last week's suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held Syrian town which killed more than 80 civilians.
"The United States have described their action as punctual and limited and not as a stage in a military escalation," Mr Gentiloni said.
"Last night's attack, as is known, took place at the air base from where the chemical weapons attack was launched a few days ago.
"I think the images of suffering that we have had to see over the last few days following the use of chemical weapons must not be seen again."
Gentiloni added that he saw Moscow playing a major role in talks to bring peace to Syria.
"Italy has always been convinced that a lasting solution for Syria should be sought in negotiations," he said.
"It was and remains our position. Negotiations must include the many opposition forces and the regime, under the aegis of United Nations with a decisive and construction role for Russia."
Gentiloni called European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini overnight to discuss the strike, a spokesperson for Mogherini said Friday.
Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano supported the US military action in Syria in a statement.
"Italy understands the reason for the US military action, which was proportionate in timing and methods, as a response to an unacceptable sense of impunity, as well as a signal of deterrent towards the risk of further use of chemical weapons by Assad, in addition to those ascertained by the UN," he said.
The UK government also said it “fully supported” President Trump’s air strikes as a form of retaliation to the chemical weapons attack.