Protestors demonstrated on Monday outside the Naples office of pensions-and-social-security agency INPS after some 169,000 families in Italy were told by text message that their RdC was being cut on Friday.

The left-wing CGIL trade union has said that hundreds of thousands of Italians are set to lose all forms of income support when their welfare cheques stop in the coming days.

“We call on the government to come and report (to parliament) as soon as possible because it is incredible that, not only have they decided to wage war on the poor, but they have also failed to prepare for this transition in the slightest by accompanying it with proper information and putting the necessary support measures in place,” Schlein said during a visit to Sessa Aurunca in the southern province of Caserta.

Meloni says the RdC failed because it took away jobless people’s incentive to seek work and was too susceptible to fraud.

Two new benefits are coming in: the inclusion cheque (ADI), worth a maximum of €500 a month per individual, for households in which there are minors, disabled people or people over 60; and the SFL benefit of up to €350 a month for people who are fit for work for a maximum of 12 months.

Payment of the SFL is conditional on recipients doing training or socially useful work.