The evening of dance was a great success thanks to the hard work of the managing and social committees, who managed to bring together many people for an occasion which celebrated love for one another.

Vice-president, Fausto Biviano, played a big part in the organisation of the feast, in his new role promoting community events for Aqua Luna and the Canada Bay Club.

He also undertook with great professionalism the role of master of ceremonies.

President, Bob Natoli, gave the welcome address, thanking the assembled and briefly tracing the history of St Valentine, a young priest who lived in Rome in the third century AD, who encouraged Christian marriages against the desires of Emperor Claudio II.

He was condemned to death, thus becoming a martyr on February 14, AD 270.

Natoli then thanked the Canada Bay Club committee, which is the principal sponsor of the Aolian Islands Association and whose president, Frank Failla, and vice-president, Angelo D’Angelo, were involved in all aspects of the evening’s organisation.

The social committee also played a large role in putting the night together, especially Rita D’Angelo and Rita Maniaci-Tornari.

The meal was wonderful, and everyone was given little packets of chocolates by the committee members.

A highlight of the evening was the performance by George Vumbaca, who sang romantic and modern songs, and enthused the crowd so much so as to receive a standing ovation.

The lottery was drawn and all prizes were won by people present at the event; this was another moment of shared happiness and joy for the winners.

DJ Frank Mazzotta provided tunes for the evening to accompany the dancing, which made up a large part of the event and which is the best way to celebrate lovers who have found themselves under the protection of St Valentine.

The committee would like to advise that the next event will be the festival of the mamma, which is to be held on May 4, at Canada Bay Club in Five Dock.