Released in 2006 at the inaugural year of the Rome Film Festival, the movie explores the friendship between Ioan, an illegal Romanian immigrant in Italy and Michele, a cleaner in Rome’s train station, who offers to help Ioan.
Michele hosts Ioan in his apartment and soon begins to realise that the Romanian is a good person.
He falls in love with Ioan, who unfortunately, does not seem to notice.
Their lives together remain unstable; Michele’s jobs are temporary and Ioan is an illegal immigrant.
However, a woman comes into their life causing an unexpected change.
Academic Ewa Mazierska from the University of Central Lancashire described the relevance of the film to a new generation of young Italians.
“Cover Boy is one of several recent Italian films that focus on the perplexity of a new generation of Italians who are unable to find the kind of work opportunities, economic security, and benefits that were taken for granted by their parents,” she said.
The harsh realities of contemporary Italian life, particularly for Eastern European migrants who have fled their countries in search of a future in other nations, are examined within the film.
The film will be subtitled in English, with refreshments provided free of charge, commencing from 6:30 pm.
For more information and to RSVP visit the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre’s website.