“In five months of government we have reactivated what has been a dream of millions of Italians for centuries,” he told the foreign press corps in Rome on Tuesday.

“There are historical quotes from centuries and centuries ago about the bridge," said Salvini.

The project aims to be "the largest public work on the European continent and the largest green public work on the European continent since the beginning of the century," he added.

Salvini also told foreign reporters he is "not afraid" of criminal infiltration, one of the principal objections to the project, along with the environmental impact and the 10-billion-euro price tag.

“We will be able to ensure that the best Italian, European and global companies work on it,” Salvini said.

“We are working on supervisory bodies for every euro invested in the Bridge.”

The construction project will also create an estimated 100,000 jobs, according to Salvini.

On March 16, the government approved a decree to re-start the project, which has been under consideration by several past governments but never got beyond the planning stage.