The show is a creation of designer Angelo Cruciani, the director of the brand YEZAEL, and will run from September 17 to 23.
Milano Underground will gather renowned designers as well as up-and-coming talents with the objective of shedding light on the most transgressive and creative side of the capital of Italian fashion.
Household names such as Mario Dice, Alberto Zambelli, Davii, San Andres and Cruciani will show their creations alongside emerging designers like Leonardo Valentini, Alchetipo, Taste of Moon, Giorgia Andreazza, Giuglia, 1997, Giammarco Giannuzzo and Trielina.
“Like a collective art show in movement, models will strut along the catwalk in a unique, transversal performance to highlight a concept of fashion that includes all individuals,” said Cruciani.
“We have to devote our attention and support to those who experiment,” he noted.
“Without those who question rules and visions, the world would not evolve.”