Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk confirmed for the second time this week, the state has no new cases of the virus.

“That is two zero cases this week and we are really on the track to be smashing that curve,” Palaszczuk said.

But the Premier added that the state can’t become complacent.

She said if Queensland eases restrictions in the near future, people will need to sign up to the government’s tracking app.

Palaszczuk also said aged care facilities in the state have no reason to be locked down, after Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday announced restrictions on visits to aged care centres would be lifted.

“In Queensland some aged care homes are in lockdown – there is no need for this,” she said.

“People should feel free to go and visit their loved ones in aged care.”

The Premier said from lunchtime today, the state’s COVID-19 website will provide heat maps and a regional breakdown of local government areas that are affected by the virus.

“I want to make sure Queensland is getting the information that they want,” she said.

“I want to thank Health, I asked them to put this together and they have delivered.” 

The website will be updated every day at lunchtime.

Meanwhile, the state’s online learning website seems to be up and running after it was down on Monday and experienced problems on Tuesday as thousands of students tried to log in.