Many members of the Italian community enjoyed refreshments before the program was presented by Mr Remo Cher of the Comitato Italiano di Coordinamento (CIC).

In the previous edition of Il Globo, we published important points of the program, and today, we provide some more details on the various events that will take place.

Saturday, May 27

10:00 am: Small Olympics

 12:00 pm: Celebrations in rural areas begin

1:00 pm: Visits to hospitals in Melbourne

6:00 pm: Cocktail party – Official opening of the Settimana Italiana

Sunday, May 28

10:00 am: Small Olympics, last day

10:30 am: Victorian Bocce Championship – Doubles

1:00 pm: Visits to hospitals in Melbourne

2:00 pm: Soccer meeting – Juventus-Hellas

Monday, May 29

10:30 am: Inauguration of painting exhibition with Leonard French

12:00 pm: Visit to the mayor by CIC president (M. Galli)

12:00 pm: Parade of old cars

12:00 pm: Parade of girls in regional costumes handing out flyers

9:00 pm: Televised boxing match

Tuesday, May 30

10:00 am: Wine-tasting

10:00 am: ‘Coppa Italia’ golf tournament

12:30 pm: Women’s breakfast with a speech by former Australian Ambassador to Italy, Mr Sterling

Wednesday, May 31

10:00 am: Pizza-making demonstration and tasting

11:30 am: Cooking demonstration

6:30 pm: Reconstruction of a trial by university students

Thursday, June 1

8:00 pm: Conference

Friday June 2

12:00 pm: Balloons released from Melbourne’s square to celebrate Republic Day

8:00 pm: Gala ball

Saturday, June 3

3:00 pm: Coffee-tasting and fashion parade

8:00 pm: Performance of The Fan

8:00 pm: Dante Alighieri Society symposium

9:00 pm: Trotto

Sunday, June 4

11:00 am: Solemn mass and procession

1:30 pm: Lunch with participants of the campaign

3:00 pm: Concert

8:00 pm: Performance of The Fan

Permanent displays during the week:

Photographic exhibition by Bruno Benini

Italian painting and sculpture exhibition

Italian book exhibition (in Italian language or by Italian authors)

Galileo exhibition at State Library

Visit to the kindergarten of the Pastorelle Sisters