Directed by Stuart Elliott, the documentary was made with the support of the Region of Campania, and uses computer graphics and 3D imaging to reconstruct the ancient city on the Gulf of Naples as it would have looked 2000 years ago.
The surface area of the archaeological site is three times larger than that of Pompeii, and it was from here that Roman emperors governed and where many resided.
Days-long feasts took place at the villas of Baiae, such as at the Villa dei Pisoni, owned by Roman senator Gaius Calpurnius Piso who, in AD 65, directed the Pisonian conspiracy against the Emperor Nero.
Piso's villa, which is today underwater, was rebuilt by the Emperor Hadrian to be even more decadent than its predecessor.
The entire underwater park offers the wonder of wandering through submerged roads decorated with columns and mosaics crystallised by the water.
Tourists can explore the underwater park through tours with some local diving centres, including the Centro Sub Campi Flegrei, which worked with the BBC on a previous documentary.
The new documentary will boost tourism in Naples and the Campania region, according to regional Governor Vincenzo De Luca.
The Governor added that there has been an "explosion of events, cultural offerings, and extraordinary promotion" in the region over recent months.
"It's truly difficult for me to imagine another region with the same cultural vivacity and range of interests as in Naples and Campania nowadays," he said.