Anna, who lives in Guildford, has since received a response from her local Labor MP, Dr Richard Emanuel Klugman, who also has Italian heritage.
Anna’s letter is below:
Dear Prime Minister,
I’d like your opinion on why people have to call those from another country “wogs”.
I’m Italian and I’d like to know.
My whole family is offended and that’s not right, because we haven’t hurt anyone.
Please write to me and tell me your opinion.
Dr Klugman replied swiftly, explaining to Anna that he too had experienced the same treatment and problems in his time.
He said that he overcame them by remembering the simple fact that the offensive and rude remarks come from a small minority, while most Australians are kind and understanding towards migrants.
Anna’s mother, who only learned of her daughter’s letter when she received Dr Klugman’s response, will now take Anna to meet the MP, who is the son of Italians.
Meanwhile, The Daily Mirror has given editorial space to the issue, condemning the attitude of certain sectors of Australian society and hoping for a definitive end to the negative terms that have tainted the country’s long history of immigration.