The woman, who turned 90 on February 3, took an Italian written test among a group of young people a fraction of her age.

She is sitting the exam to obtain a pedagogical diploma which qualifies her to be an elementary-school teacher.

“You don’t achieve anything in life without sacrifice and, at my age, I decided to put myself to the test and tackle this exam,” Starnini said.

“It’s a goal that I always had but, for various reasons regarding family and work, it got away from me.

“Now I’m here to start this series of tests, thanks to the help of my family, which I hope will lead to me obtaining the diploma.

“I embrace all these beautiful young people who are here with me today and all those all over Italy who are ready to overcome the obstacles of the exam.

“Study, knowledge and the desire to learn are ageless and I am proof of that.”