The CNPD’s visit to the Harbour City is part of an exchange program established in 2017 with the Italian Bilingual School (IBS) in Sydney.

The program offers students and alumni from Down Under the opportunity to study in Cividale while their Italian peers from CNPD can experience life in Australia.

Founded in 2022, the Italian Bilingual School, a division of Co.As.It., is the first Australian school to offer comprehensive bilingual education in English and Italian.

Internationally recognised as the leading Italian community organisation in Australia, Co.As.It. maintains a strong connection to its Italian heritage.

One of the many ways it does this is by providing services to the New South Wales Italian community in areas such as aged care, community support, youth services, education and cultural services.

Present at the event were Ben Sonego, president of Club Italia; John Dean, president of the Mounties Group; Lidia Gentilini, president of Fogolar Furlan; Thomas Camporeale, General Director of Co.As.It. Sydney; and Carlo Calligaris, a teacher at Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to the guests and hosts from Italy,” said Sonego.

The president of Club Italia then spoke passionately about the organisation he leads, which includes Fogolar Furlan, the Veneto Club and the Abruzzo Club.

He was sure to highlight how these associations organise both individual and shared events for the community with the support of Mounties Club.

Dean then welcomed guests before sharing with them the history of Mounties Club and boasting of their wonderful facilities, such as the football pitch and bocce area.

He then led the visiting families on a tour throughout the club, which they very much appreciated.

Gentilini, in her speech consisting of both Italian and Friulian, emphasised the importance of cultural ties and wished the students great success in Australia and in life.

She expressed her gratitude “to our guests visiting us here in Sydney from our sister school in Cividale and their kind hosts”.

“The partnership [between] Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono and the Italian Bilingual School encourages learning, partnerships and friendships between our students,” explained Camporeale.

Camporeale described the relationship as a friendship and discussed last year’s exchange, where IBS students explored the Friuli region under the guidance of Carlo Calligaris.

The Co.As.It. director reiterated that strong connections between Italy and NSW have now been established through Club Italia.

Finally, Calligaris spoke about the history of Friulian emigration to Australia after the war, referencing the importance of Fogolar Furlan and how it allowed him to reconnect with his cousin.

The event was a testament to the strong and vibrant ties between the Friuli region and the local community of New South Wales, promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding.