The meeting between the head of Italy’s anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and leaders of the French anti-government movement is likely to heighten tensions between Rome and Paris.
“The wind of change has crossed the Alps,” Di Maio said on Twitter after meeting “yellow vest” leader Christophe Chalencon.
Di Maio also met “yellow vest” candidates for the European parliament elections in May, who were invited to a follow up meeting in Rome “in the following weeks”.
Di Maio and his coalition partner, far-right League leader Matteo Salvini, have previously expressed their support for the French movement.
“We have many shared points of view and values which place citizens, social rights, direct democracy and the environment at the centre of many battles,” Di Maio’s office said in a statement.
The populist leaders have also directed several verbal attacks towards French President Emmanuel Macron and his government in recent weeks, causing Macron to announce the only Italian politician he now deals with is Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.
“Yellow vest” protests against fuel taxes began in rural France in November 2018, but then evolved into a wider revolt during December against the policies and governing style of Macron.
The movement has displayed violent streaks at times.