The seminar is organised by the National Association of Italo-Australian Women.

Prof. Berrino has written many scientific publications which address the topics of food, nutrition, physical activity and cancer prevention.

He is a convinced supporter of the benefits of a good diet for preventing cancer.

He is also the mastermind behind a current clinical experiment for preventing chronic illnesses associated with age, through a healthy, Mediterranean diet adapted to our times, to promote longevity and good health.

To this end, Prof. Berrino has founded La Grande Via Association, which, as he explains, “is based on a combination of food, movement and spiritual life”.

“With these three elements, we can avert illnesses, even degenerative ones, reduce the incidence of cancers, facilitate recovery from illness, act on our genes, and slow the process of age,” Prof. Berrino said.

“All in all, the most beautiful thing that we can wish upon ourselves is to age while remaining healthy and to die without illness.”

Prof. Berrino will be visiting Australia for a series of conferences and workshops, with the scope of elucidating these contemporary themes, which are relevant not just for the elderly but also for young people who wish to practice a healthy lifestyle, and for doctors, oncologists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, nutritionists and dieticians.

The occasion will be unique, and will facilitate the comprehension of simple rules which allow us to live better and for longer.

The National Association of Italo-Australian Women considers it a real privilege to have received the invitation to organise this seminar with a doctor of Prof. Berrino’s calibre, and recognises its usefulness and importance for all levels and age groups of the community.

Prof. Berrino warmly extends an invitation to the community to participate in the seminar, whose themes of health, mental wellbeing and ageing closely touch all of us.

Entrance is free and everyone is welcome!

Refreshments will be served.

For more information and to confirm attendance (confirmation would be appreciated, but is not obligatory), please telephone (02) 9428 5960, or (02) 9550 9043, or email the National Association of Italo-Australian Women.