BRISBANE – For the third consecutive year, the Italian Consul of Brisbane, Luna Angelini Marinucci, participated as a judge. Joining her on the panel were Italian Language Centre Brisbane teachers Ornella Roveda and Franca Cerniglia.

The competition was created by Floriana Torelli, a passionate Italian teacher at Cairns State High School. The contest is wildly popular among the students, many of whom actively participate each year.

This enthusiasm highlights their love for the language, but also their desire to deepen their knowledge of the culture of the Bel Paese.

In preparation for the competition, many students were encouraged to take immersive Italian classes.

The enthusiastic participation of the students once again underscored how important it is to promote and support the study of foreign languages in schools.

Spending a day together in the tropics while celebrating the Italian language and culture was a memorable event. It was incredibly moving to witness how many students committed themselves to language learning, all united by a deep and genuine love for Italian.

A special mention goes to the over 50 participants from various schools in Far North Queensland.

During the competition, the students paid tribute to great figures of Italian literature such as Gianni Rodari, Stefano Benni, Trilussa and of course the ‘Supreme Poet’, Dante Alighieri.

Listening to their presentations and seeing how they were able to bring the authors’ work to life was touching.

The Italian language competition at Cairns State High School demonstrated how passion for Italy, its language and its culture bring the people of Far North Queensland together.