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Mocha semifreddo

Dish Ice Cream
Difficulty level Capable Cooks
Method Raw
Serves 4-6
No rating yet

A refreshing sweet from Piedmont - perfect for coffee lovers!



• 600 ml thickened cream
• 2 shots espresso coffee
• 2 tbsp cocoa powder
• 4 eggs, separated
• 150g caster sugar
• Cocoa powder
• Oil (preferably mild flavour like sunflower or canola)

1. Prepare a rectangular tin by coating with oil and lining with cling film over the top.
2. Using an electric mixer, whip cream until stiff peaks form, set aside.
3. Whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form, set aside.
4. Beat egg yolks and sugar on medium in an electric mixer for 6 minutes, or until pale and creamy.
5. Combine espresso and cocoa powder, and add to the egg yolk mixture.
6. Add half the whipped cream to the egg yolk mixture, and beat on low for no more than 30 seconds until mostly combined.
7. Add the other half of the cream, doing the same.
8. Last, add the egg whites to the mixture, folding gently with a spatula until mixture is free of lumps, careful not to over mix.
9. Pour semifreddo mixture into the tin, and set in the freezer overnight.