A Home Away from Home: Exploring Fairfield City's Multicultural Clubs

Evento di Editorial Team

A Home Away From Home explores the development of cultural clubs in Fairfield City. These clubs often provided a haven for fellow countrymen to socialise, connect and celebrate traditional customs. Fairfield City has a population of over 204,000 and its’ residents are among some of the most diverse and culturally unique in Australia. The development of multicultural clubs saw early migrant communities forge an identity and their stories woven into the fabric of society. While every community tells their own unique story A Home Away from Home reveals similarities of camaraderie and determination shared by many of these cultures and brings to light the impact these communities continue to have on the development of the Fairfield area today. The exhibition highlights some of the contributions that early migrant communities have made and explores the diversity of the multicultural communities that make up the Fairfield Local Government Area.

Data Dicembre 3, 2016 - Giugno 10, 2017
Ora 10:00am - 5:00pm
Fairfield City Museum and Gallery
New South Wales