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Skywhales: Every Heart Sings

Evento di Editorial Team

We invite you to gather in the hushed dawn to witness the marvel of Patricia Piccinini’s ‘Skywhales: Every Heart Sings’. Skywhale first appeared in the skies above Canberra in 2013, widening the eyes of the population, leaving many speechless and certain city-folk more forthcoming about public art and public money than at any time since the National Gallery acquired Blue Poles. After brief migrations to Tasmania, Japan and Ireland, Patricia Piccinini’s monumental Skywhale has a new companion, Skywhalepapa. Skywhalepapa stands some ten stories high and carries under his nurturing fins the brood of calves that his partner’s magnificent dugs had caused us to wonder about. As Piccinini says, what started as a character has “become a relationship and a narrative”. This lofty pod, with their exemplary share-parenting credentials, will never crash and burn, and they make those Supercouples so beloved by gossip magazines, look miniscule. Arm yourselves with picnic blankets and torches, and bring the whole family for a truly special experience. Art events don’t come much bigger than this.

Data Marzo 5, 2022 - Marzo 5, 2022
Ora 6:00am - 9:00am
Elder Park King William Street
Adelaide SA