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Black olives for the freezer

Piatto Vegetables
Livello di difficoltà Capable Cooks
Dieta Vegetarian
Metodo Raw
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Conserve black olives in the freezer and take them out to enjoy any time you like!



• 1 box black olives
• 2 kg rock salt
• Water

1. Sort the olives, removing any that look mouldy or too green. Make sure they are all nice and black or a dark-purple colour.
2. Prick the olives several times with a fork.
3. Place the olives in a large container or a deep clean bucket and add the rock salt. Stir to combine and set aside for three to four days. Stir well two times every day and leave them in the water produced.
4. Drain and wash the olives in hot water a couple of times, then leave them in hot water for 15 minutes before draining.
5. Wash the olives in clean cold water a few times until the water runs clear, then place them on a table outside where they can get lots of sun. Leave for several days or until they dry out and lose their bitterness. At night, covert the olives with a tablecloth and place the table undercover if possible.
6. When you are happy with the way the olives taste and look place them in freezer bags (approximately two large handfuls in each bag) and freeze.
7. When you want to eat the olives, place them in a pan with some water and bring to boil, then remove the water and let the olives fry with a little oil, a couple of cloves of garlic, some oregano and chilli.
8. Remove from the heat and drizzle with a little balsamic vinegar.
9. Enjoy!