It was way back in 1949 that Australia held its first citizenship ceremony, when seven men from Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Greece, Norway, Spain and Yugoslavia became new citizens of Australia. Despite their diverse countries of origin, they were united by their commitment to Australian values — equality of opportunity, mutual respect and tolerance, freedom of speech and religion, and commitment to democracy and Australian law.

By 1959 we had more than 49,000 people become Australian citizens. People from right across the globe, who migrated from many different countries were coming together to commit to the land of opportunity, of shared values of our nation.

Nearly 70 years later, today these fundamental Australian values remain true. Regardless of background, ethnicity, race, religion or gender, we value people on the contribution they make to our country and our society. As a true modern multicultural society, we represent citizens from more than 300 different ancestries.

Our nation is stronger because of our diversity. By the contributions of people who call Australia home building on the foundations of Australia’s first people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders tens of thousands of years ago.

When we celebrate citizenship, we celebrate our shared success. Right across our communities we see hard working families raising children, small business owners contributing to a stronger economy. We see religious leaders of all faiths promoting unity and harmony through belief.

But above everything, we celebrate Australians coming together.