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Biscottini al vino bianco

Dish Biscuits
Difficulty level Easy
Method Baking
Serves 8-10
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Traditional sweet treats from Puglia.



• 1/2 cup (500g) self-raising flour
• 150g sugar, extra for coating
• 100g oil
• Pinch of vanilla sugar
• 400g white wine

1. Preheat oven to 200˚C.
2. Place all ingredients except for the oil and wine on a clean bench. Mix, then make a well in the centre and add oil.
3. Continue to mix while gradually adding the wine.
4. Knead the dough for about 3 minutes.
4. Cut the dough into small pieces, then roll each piece into a doughnut shape.
5. Dip the top of each biscuit in sugar.
6. Bake in oven until golden.