Torrone di mandorle
This is a very special sweet for me, as it reminds me of my dear mother, Sebastiana.
• 1 kg almonds
• 100g honey
• 1 kg sugar
• 1 lemon
1. Place the almonds in a pan with the sugar and the honey and cook over a very low flame, stirring constantly.
2. At a certain point the sugar will start to melt and form a crust around the almonds.
3. It will then melt again and darken in colour. This is the critical moment. As soon as the sugar has begun to melt again, and turned a golden colour, remove the pan from the heat.
4. Quickly turn the mixture onto a marble slab which has been greased with oil. Level out the almonds using a cut lemon.
5. Allow to cool and cut into diamond or other shape, using a sharp, heavy knife, applying pressure onto the blade.