One of the most active chambers of commerce in the world, the ICCI comprises a network of more than 25,000 companies associated with the General Council for Italians Abroad (CGIE).

The association possesses all of the essential features to ensure that small and medium-sized businesses are keeping in tune with the structural trends of the process of globalisation which is currently occurring in the market.

Essentially a bilateral association of local Italian businessmen, the ICCI has the power to communicate directly or via local or Italian-based agents, in matters regarding importers, fairs, growing industries etc.

This September, the ICCI is calling upon Italian and Italo-Australian business owners and professionals to put themselves forward to be honoured at the 2022 ICCI Melbourne Business Awards & Gala on Saturday, October 22.

The two awards up for grabs at the highly anticipated 2022 event are the ‘Italian Business Award’ and the ‘Businesswoman of the Year’ award.

Applications for both must be submitted by Friday, 15th September 2022 – 11.59 pm via the provided links, and no later.

The ‘Italian Business Award’ recognises excellence in business success, support of the Italian-Australian Community and outstanding accomplishment by a person who goes above and beyond in their chosen field to offer exceptional products or services.

Business owners may nominate themselves for this award if they fit the following criteria:

First, applicants must be a maximum 3rd generation Italian, and an Australian Citizen or a Permanent Australian Resident. The nominee’s business must have been in operation for a minimum of 3 years and have a minimum annual turnover of $1 million. The business must also operate in Australia, and lastly, the nominee must at least own 51% or more of the company operating the business. Apply here.

The ‘Businesswoman of the Year’ award celebrates the achievements of Italian and Italo-Australian female innovators, leaders and visionaries in Victoria and Tasmania. It includes the public or private sector, profit and not-for-profit.

Women in business may nominate themselves for the award if they fit the following criteria:

The applicant must be an Australian Citizen or a Permanent Australian Resident, who reflects the excellence of businesswomen, and lives and works in either Victoria or Tasmania. She must be employed by either private or public companies, educational institutions, state-owned entities, or in the case of operating an entrepreneurial enterprise must be as a sole proprietorship, a partnership (where at least 50% of the partnership interest is held by the nominee), or a member of a close corporation or as a shareholder of a company (where at least 50% of the share capital or members’ interest is held by the nominee). Nominees must hold a senior management or leadership position, and their affiliated business must operate in Australia. Apply here.

Nominations for both awards will be evaluated by an official judging panel and the gala subcommittee. An applicant will be considered based on their online application only, and this will be kept strictly confidential. Assessment of nominations is impartial and independent. Finalists will be invited to record a short interview about their business with an official ICCI of Melbourne videographer. The finalists’ videos will be displayed at the ICCI Melbourne Business Awards & Gala 2022 on Saturday, October 22, and the winners will be announced during the Award Ceremony.

If you or someone you know fits the nomination criteria for either of these esteemed awards celebrating business excellence within the Italian-Australian community, be sure to make haste and apply by 15th September 2022 – 11.59 pm, as no late applications will be accepted.