The daily tally of new cases fell to 888 from 1402 the previous day, according to the civil protection agency.

The total death toll since the outbreak came to light on February 21 now stands at 31,106 the agency said, the third highest in the world after those of the United States and the United Kingdom.

The number of confirmed cases since the outbreak began is 222,104, the fifth-highest global tally behind those of the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom and Russia.

The number of active cases fell to 78,457 from 81,266 the previous day, the agency said.

There were 893 people in intensive care on Wednesday, down from 952 on Tuesday, maintaining a long-running decline.

It comes after the national government gave Italian regions the go-ahead to reopen bars, restaurants, hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons from May 18, along with previously approved businesses.