SYDNEY - The winner of the junior category of the first edition of the Premio In Class Prize was Luca Zammit, who distinguished himself with an interesting and insightful short film about this edition’s theme: Italian and sustainability.
For Luca, participating in the short film competition was an opportunity to learn more about the relationship between Italy and sustainable practices, revealing to him a world of eco-friendly initiatives and cultural nuances.
His exploration led him to discover the practices of Italian agriculture, uncovering the importance of organic farming, which adopts sustainable methods.
Luca said that upon learning of the theme, he was immediately intrigued.
“I found what sustainable approaches are used in Italian agriculture, such as organic farming or vineyards that employ ecological methods,” he explained.
“In the course of the research, I also found that there are many innovative methods in the food industry, such as zero-waste restaurants and ‘farm-to-table’ collaborations.
Luca also has relatives who live in the Campania region and whose “livelihood is tied to the agricultural sector”.
Learning about sustainability in Italy has left an indelible mark on Luca’s way of considering the environmental.
Italy’s leadership in adopting ‘green’ measures in the renewable-energy sector and promoting a culture that favours a sustainable lifestyle has inspired him to incorporate similar practices into his own.
For Luca, sustainability is not just a theoretical concept, but a call to action aimed at his peers.
Luca believes that adopting eco-friendly habits in daily life, supporting eco-friendly products and practices, becoming informed about environmental issues and actively engaging in awareness-raising activities and community initiatives are crucial steps.
Making the award-winning video also transformed Luca’s view on Italian language and lifestyle, allowing him to better understand aspects of Italian cultural.
“Making this video has changed my outlook on the Italian language and culture, broadening my perspective on traditional, zero-mile and sustainable food practices,” he shared.
“The video also helped me better understand the importance of taking the time to enjoy meals … and the value placed on quality ingredients and all the hard work required to grow flavourful produce.”
With the euphoria of victory still fresh, Luca is ready to take on new challenges.
His next endeavour involves delving into the story of his great-grandparents’ generation, who emigrated to Australia after World War II.
The compelling story includes his great-grandfather’s experiences as a prisoner of war, captured by the British and transported to Australia.
Winning the Premio In Classe competition for his age group not only brought important recognition to his efforts, but positively influenced Luca’s aspirations.
The confidence resulting from success has fuelled his desire to further explore and celebrate his Italian heritage.
Luca is ready to discover more, armed with a passion to delve into the richness of the Bel Paese’s culture and history.