The institution was created by a group of private citizens, writers and artists, and included people such as the famed poets Giuseppe Gioachino Belli and Jacopo Ferretti, the historian Antonio Coppi, the patriot doctor Pietro Sterbini and the humanist Gaetano Celti.

Over two centuries since its inception, the Academy’s aims and values remain unchanged.

During last week’s charity lunch for the Father Atanasio Gonelli Foundation, the Academy’s representative in Australia, Giulio Vidoni, presented the certificates to the four honourees.

The recipients consisted of: Frank Mirabito, Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta in Australia; Frank Placanica, Deputy Grand Master of the Order of Malta; Maria Stillone, who accepted the award on behalf of her recently deceased husband, John Stillone; and Peter Maniscalco.

Many notable Italians and Italo-Australians were in attendance, including: Italian senator Francesco Giacobbe; the vice president of Com.It.Es NSW, Lisa Genovese; Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne; NSW Minister of Customers Service, Victor Dominello; CEO of NSW Multicultural, Joe La Posta; Admiral of the Italian Navy, Roberto Semi; the president of the San Sebastiano Martire Association, Angelo Stivala; the president of the GIA Network, Domenico Stefanelli; Ron Priola; and Father Severino.