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Sottoscrizione gratuita per le scuole


Scuole elementari
Tante iniziative per coinvolgere gli studenti e celebrare la lingua.
Scuole superiori
Un buon modo per insegnare intrattenendo? Portare la grammatica in cucina.
Scuole elementari
A Yarraville per una notte indimenticabile.
Scuole elementari
L’autrice, delicata ed eclettica, è passata dal mondo circense a illustrare e scrivere libri di successo per l’infanzia.
Tema del mese
Gli italiani sono conosciuti in tutto il mondo per l’eleganza e l’amore che hanno per la vita.
The author, delicate and eclectic, transitioned from the world of circus arts to illustrating and writing successful children’s books.
Want to know a good way to teach while entertaining? Bring grammar into the kitchen!
Fiona Tassone has been named one of Australia’s top 50 teachers in 2024.
Topic of the month
Tourism of the roots, also known as ancestral tourism or heritage tourism, refers to the idea that people travel to their ancestral lands to reconnect with their cultural, familial and historical roots.
Visiting a Gucci store provided an opportunity to delve into the concept of Made in Italy and explore the significance of style.

Risorse per la classe

Materiale didattico gratuito da utilizzare in classe per le scuole primarie e secondarie

Want to know a good way to teach while entertaining? Bring grammar into the kitchen!
Visiting a Gucci store provided an opportunity to delve into the concept of Made in Italy and explore the significance of style.
Robert Simeoni reflects on his journey from Saturday morning Italian school to the Premier’s VCE Award.
On Saturday, October 19, as part of the XXIV Week of Italian Language in the World, the ninth annual Italian Teachers’ Conference in Australia took place in Melbourne.
An immersion program and a group of passionate teachers are creating continuous opportunities for students to learn and practise Italian.

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