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Sottoscrizione gratuita per le scuole


Scuole superiori
Grande successo per la nuova edizione del concorso di lingua, che ha visto la partecipazione di tanti giovani entusiasti.
Tema del mese
’Italia ha prodotto numerosi autori le cui opere hanno superato i confini nazionali, affascinando i lettori di tutto il mondo grazie alle traduzioni in diverse lingue.
Scuole elementari
Una giornata italiana celebrata nel migliore dei modi.
Scuole superiori
Costruire un ponte tra il passato e il futuro.
Scuole elementari
La celebrazione della lingua e della cultura alla scuola elementare St Mary’s.
Greta Guerrini and Asia Orsini distinguished themselves by achieving excellent results in the 2023 VCE Italian exam.
After a life spent writing, this journalist now hosts a podcast that explores the stories written by others.
The girls of St Columba’s Primary School explored Kandinsky, music and their own emotions – all in Italian.
Laura Mazzatenta guides young children through a journey of linguistic and cultural immersion and growth.
The introduction of the TCL method has made a significant difference for the students of St Gregory the Great Primary School.

Risorse per la classe

Materiale didattico gratuito da utilizzare in classe per le scuole primarie e secondarie

Greta Guerrini and Asia Orsini distinguished themselves by achieving excellent results in the 2023 VCE Italian exam.
It was an exhilarating educational experience for the 1646 students who took the stage, as well as for the judges who witnessed it.
New South Wales
The winner of the Club Italia Mounties scholarship believes that with commitment, one can go far.
A fun, innovative project saw Mount Alvernia College’s Italian students take the stage.
Antonella Rosati has dedicated her career to student well-being, something of fundamental importance for learning.

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