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Tema del mese
Cifre e benefici del volontariato fra i giovani italiani.
Tema del mese
Sette mesi tra lavori in fattoria e volontariato in Africa, Flavia Antoniazzi racconta un'esperienza straordinaria.
Scuole elementari
Una giornata italiana celebrata nel migliore dei modi.
Scuole superiori
Un evento che ha messo al centro le lingue, ma soprattutto i valori condivisi dopo la ‘Dichiarazione Schuman’.
Scuole superiori
Esperienza coinvolgente e formativa per i 1646 studenti saliti sul palco e per i giudici che li hanno ascoltati.
It was an exhilarating educational experience for the 1646 students who took the stage, as well as for the judges who witnessed it.
South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has confirmed his government’s allocation of one million dollars to support the teaching of Italian at the University of South Australia (UniSA) and Flinders University.
A fun, innovative project saw Mount Alvernia College’s Italian students take the stage.
There will soon be four fewer languages taught at Macquarie University, all to be replaced by a ‘global culture’ course. Italian is one of the victims, while German has been spared.
Antonella Rosati has dedicated her career to student well-being, something of fundamental importance for learning.

Risorse per la classe

Materiale didattico gratuito da utilizzare in classe per le scuole primarie e secondarie

It was an exhilarating educational experience for the 1646 students who took the stage, as well as for the judges who witnessed it.
A fun, innovative project saw Mount Alvernia College’s Italian students take the stage.
Antonella Rosati has dedicated her career to student well-being, something of fundamental importance for learning.
The challenge of restoring Italian language enrolment numbers to pre-pandemic levels has called for the creativity of Paula Barca and Olivia Zagari.
Marco Renai has dedicated his life to better those of young men in difficulty.

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